Friday, June 12, 2020

Top 5 Data Science Free Online Courses with Certificates

Data science is a very interesting field and it demands to be studied in-depth. Data science has a lot of factors and wonders that need to be understood. That is why we at present to you the top 5 data science free online courses with certificates. So let us take a look at what each of these courses has to offer. Checkout Google Project Management Certificate Program to understand how google does project management.

5 best data science free online courses with certificates:

A crash course in data science:
In this course, you will be taught how data science plays its part in various contexts. Next, you will understand how machine learning, statistics, and software engineering works in data science. Similarly, you will also understand the structure of a data science project here. Moreover, as you go further, you will know the key terms and tools that are frequently used by data scientists. The course has a variety of lecture videos that can be rewind, forward, stop at any time. Furthermore, you will also understand the role of a data science manager and much more in this course.

Foundations of data science:
This professional course is here to help you become a data scientist but at ease and pace. You will learn to analyze a diverse array of real data sets. These sets include economic data, geographic data, and other social networks. The course focuses on a set of core concepts and techniques that have board applicability. The course has defined data science as a way of thinking. You will find interpretation and communication as important here as computation and statistical methods.

Data science math skills:
If you have an interest in learning basic math then this course is what you need. You will learn about set theory including Venn diagrams in the course thoroughly. Next, you will learn the properties of a real number line. Furthermore, you will understand what interval notation and algebra with inequalities are. Similarly, going further will help you understand Math on the Cartesian plane, slope, and distance formulas. Thus these and many more topics including exponents, logarithms, probability theory, and much more will be learned.

Introduction to data science in Python:
A well-structured course that will give you a complete introduction to data science in Python. You will understand the common Python functionality and features that are used for data science here. Next, you will be explained different topics like distribution, sampling, t-tests, and more. Furthermore, you will learn what Query data frame structures are for cleaning and processing. Similarly, you will also understand different techniques like lambdas and how to manipulate CSV files. The skills you will be gaining from this course are Python programming, pandas, NumPy, and data cleansing.

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science:
This free online courses with certificates is especially suitable for students who have some prior programming experience in Python. With that, an elementary level of knowledge of computational complexity would also be helpful. Upon completing this course, you would have completely understood concepts of advanced programming in Python 3. You will learn about knapsack problems, graphs, and graph optimization as well. Similarly, you will also get a complete introduction of what dynamic programming is. What is plotting with pylab package and what random walks are and much more will also be discussed.

Thus read all about what each of these courses has to offer and then pick one for yourself. And don’t forget to stay home, stay safe, and never stop learning.

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