Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Overview of Skills for Scrum Development Team

What is a Scrum team?
To be able to deliver a project within the given time, a scrum team is developed which is a collection of individuals who are given specific tasks. These individuals are highly skilled ones and work together to deliver the requested and committed product increments. The Scrum team has cross-functional members in it who are trained enough to achieve the sprint goals. These could be software engineers, programmers, architects, system admins, analysts, testers, and many more. 

What are the most effective scrum teams?
Though every Scrum team is at its best and try to perform well, yet there are most effective Scrum teams in many organizations as well. These types of teams are tight-knit, co-located, and are not more than 7 and less than 5 in number. Many qualities make up an effective Scrum team. So why not take a look at the qualities that make up for an effective Scrum team?

Top 5 qualities that make up for an effective Scrum team:
Quality# 1:
The programmers in the Scrum team tend to work as a pair:
The first quality that you can find in an effective Scrum team is that their programmers work in pairs. While one programmer is writing the code, the other one has to observe it. He has to be alert enough to overview each line of code as the first one types it. In this way, the chances of making an error are minimized to a great extent. 

Quality# 2:
The team members must be comfortable enough to cross-train each other:
To avoid one person becoming a bottleneck in the delivery of work, the team must be able to cross-train each other. Let us explain this with the help of an example. If person A is good at one skill and the rest of the team is not. Then to avoid overburdening person A with all the related work, he should teach that skill to other members as well. This practice has two advantages, one, the work will be done in less time as everyone on the team is now working on it. Second, the whole team just learned a new skill that they can apply in the future as well. All the effective Scrum teams possess this quality. 

Quality# 3:
Effective Scrum team approaches their project as “we” and not “me”:
When you work in an environment where you feel comfortable, no one can stop you from becoming a perfect team. In an effective team, there is no “me” but “we”. Everything that is done is done through mutual consent. All the team members are there for one another and by joining forces, they ensure a successful sprint completion. 

Quality# 4:
Effective Scrum team must understand what refactoring and integration are:
Code refactoring is a process in which you have to clarify and simplify the design of the existing code. But the trick here is that you can’t change the behavior of the code while doing so. An effective Scrum team has to be able to maintain and extend their code regularly without messing things up. Similarly, continuous integration includes producing a clean build of the system several times per day. The Scrum team must also be able to do that daily. From configuring CI to include automated compilation, unit test execution, and source control integration, a Scrum team should know to do all. 

Quality# 5:
Effective Scrum teams are self-motivated, team player, and organized:
These are some of the relevant qualities that each member of the Scrum team has. The members are self-organized and self-motivated and support each other in every step. Similarly, they believe in teamwork. They are accountable for everything they do and not just put it on one person. In other words, an effective scrum team works as a single cohesive unit and achieve their goals by working together.

Thus if you want to become an effective Scrum team then make sure that you have these above mentioned 5 qualities. Only then you will be able to become an effective and efficient team who does their job well. You also learn skills how to make good team while you preparing for CSM practice test.So take a good look at these qualities and try to adapt them to become an effective Scrum team and never stop learning.  

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