Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Qualities required for scrum master


There is no exaggeration over the fact that the job of a Scrum master is quite tough. Everyone knows how hard a Scrum master has to work to make sure his team is working properly. And that is the only reason projects are not only completed on time but also done efficiently. This is all thanks to the hard work that a Scrum master puts to his work. But hey not everyone can do this job right all the time though. This means that there has to have a set of qualities that a Scrum master must possess so as to become an amazing one. So today, we are going to mention some of the very mandatory qualities that a Scrum Master has to have in him.

Top 5 qualities a Scrum master must have:

If you are a Scrum master and looking for tips to become better then we suggest you read these 5 mandatory qualities that you need to have in you. If you manage to have these qualities in you, then there’s no stopping you from being an excellent Scrum master.

You need to have the ability to manage smaller stories:
Software development is a very risky business. Anything can happen anytime and your sprint can fail in seconds. So to avoid such situations, you need to work with smaller stories. This is because working in smaller sprints improve the flow in a sprint. This allows for a smoother burn-down and reduced the risk of failure of a sprint. So it is best that you should be able to break down the user stories into manageable chunks and then lead from there.

Being smart enough to create an environment of learning:
As a leader, it is your responsibility to take care of your team and never ignore or let them down. Once the Agile team is set, you need to pay attention to everyone and provide them with equal learning and growing opportunities. You can do that by arranging training sessions, workshops, and certifications. Having this quality of taking care of your team is not only beneficial for them but it will also increase their morale and will produce better results.

You must be able to build multi-functional teams:
It is quite common that any of the team members can face unavoidable circumstances and might have to leave in the middle of the development. So what should be done in such a case is something that you as a Scrum master must know. This can be done by building cross-functional teams with a blend of expertise in it. In other words, you need to build such a team that can work even when short staffed or under other difficult conditions.

Having knowledge regarding every aspect is great for you and your team:
Being a Scrum Master, you have knowledge regarding technical aspects or different market trends. But as a team leader, thus might not be enough sometime. It is because your whole team is relying on you for guidance. It is you who has to equip your team with knowledge and tips to achieve goals. You have to update them regarding different market trends and fluctuations and other technical aspects. And you can only do that if you have enough knowledge right? So you need to constantly update your knowledge regarding all these aspects so that you can further guide your team accordingly.

You need to have some influence on your team:
Though having a good relationship with your team members is very important, yet your team must know how to respect you. In other words, you need to handle your team in a way that there is a friendly relation between you and your team. But at the same time, they should consider you as their boss. And as for you, you need to be smart enough to become a reason for encouragement for them.

Thus if you have these qualities in you then it is highly likely that you are and your team can thrust into the limelight by performing well. So, become a better Scrum master by adopting these qualities in you and make your team a better one this way,  take CSM practice test to become certified scrum master and  never stop learning.

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