Friday, October 8, 2021

Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization


Fintech Specialization Highlights:

  • Wharton - University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
  • Learn for FREE, Up-gradable [Enroll to Specialization for FREE Now]
  • Months (1 hours weeklyof effort required
  • 13,067+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ 4.6 (2,684 Ratings)
  • Language: English

Do you have an interest in learning all about cryptocurrency and blockchain in financial contexts? Or want to learn to evaluate investment products through modern portfolio theory? If yes then we have this perfect specialization for you that will help you understand all the applications of financial technology. With this specialization, you will be able to understand cryptocurrency and blockchain in a financial context. In addition, you will learn to evaluate investment products using Modern Portfolio Theory. Similarly, you will also be able to identify the regulatory concerns that are presented by different financial technologies.Thus, the specialization would be enough for you to start a career in this field. 

Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization (4 Courses)

Below are the names and details of the 4 courses in this specialization.

A course that is going to explain the key components of modern-day investment strategies that utilize fintech. The instructors have designed this course so as to help you understand the complex structure of payment methods and financial regulations. The whole aim here is to help you develop skills to determine how fintech plays its part in the future of investing.

Do you wish to learn all about cryptocurrency and understand how it is an effective method of currency? In this course, you will learn to navigate investment in cryptocurrencies in detail. The instructor is going to help you understand how to develop a framework to understand Blockchain and Cryptocurrency efficiently.

This is the third course in the specialization that aims to make you learn the foundational theories behind Robo-advising, crowdfunding, and marketplace lending. You will gain a complete understanding of how to apply these theories to optimize all your investments. With that, you will also learn to apply the ideas behind Robo-advising and crowdfunding.

In this final course, you will get to learn everything about the emerging technologies in both AI and ML. Both these technologies are utilized in InsurTech and Real Estate Tech and you’ll get to know all about it. Similarly, you will learn to navigate the complex world of insurance and real estate tech, and much more.


Now, we shall take a look at the reviews section that contains both positive and negative feedback that users have given about the courses of this specialization. You can find out how to get scholarship in London School of Economics?

Positive feedback:

  • I am a product designer in alternative financial products and that is why took the first course from the specialization. The whole course from start to end was quite informative and helped me re-evaluate my position. In short, I was able to learn a lot of new concepts from this course. (Rachael E, ★★★★★).

  • I have never taken any course from Coursera until now and would say it was all worth the effort. I took this first course from the specialization and it turned out to be great for me. Everything was quite concise, clear, and easy-to-understand. And that is why I would like to recommend this course to anybody who wishes to seek a detailed introduction to the World of FinTech. (Abdul Kader, ★★★★★).
  •  A friend of mine recommended this specialization to me and I decided to take the second course from it. After completing this course, I can say that it turned out to be exactly as I expected. The course was quite informational but a lot of work had to be done to learn effectively. But it’s a good thing that I had to work a lot as only then I was able to learn from it. (Chiasheng OH, ★★★★★).
  • Blockchain is the most important revolution as it enables you to transform an asset into a financial one right? The second course was all about blockchain and cryptocurrency and how they work. And after completing this course, I was able to understand how they work. So thank you for this course. (Ravipudi SR, ★★★★★).
  • The cryptocurrency and blockchain course was an excellent one for me as I have always been in a difficult position when it comes to cryptocurrency. And this course helped me understand all about it at my ease and pace. Particularly I liked the content of week 1 the most as it not only featured an explication of the minutiae behind blockchain and cryptocurrency. But also a big-picture framework as to why they work that way. (Paolo G, ★★★★★).
  • The course on Crowdfunding that is taught by Professor Dr. David Musto turned out to be a useful one for me. Everything explained by the professor was to the point and quite clear. He surely knew what he was into and that is why everything that he explained whether theoretical or technical was easy-to-understand. (Varghese J, ★★★★★).
  • I took the third course from the specialization and would say that it was an interesting one. The course dives straight into explaining the ways of obtaining and providing funding in today’s financial scene. Not only that, the instructor has explained the challenges in this sector in an efficient manner. (Ravena, ★★★★☆).
  • The third course in the specialization was a little harder than the first two. And I think it is a good thing to learn from hard courses like these as they push you to learn more from it and this is exactly what I did. (Rolando M, ★★★★☆).
  • I have taken all the courses from this specialization and now that I have completed all the courses, I can say that it was worth all the hard work that I have put in. This specialization is an intersection of finance, technology, and big data for delivering innovative products. And also democratize access to services in different areas and populations. (Arvind KS, ★★★★★).

Negative feedback:

  • The blockchain and cryptocurrency course seemed quite basic to me as the course only had video lectures. But the situation could have been otherwise if they gave some reading assignments. Also, the quizzes were quite easy. (Fozan T, ★★☆☆☆).
  • I took the second course from the specialization and would say that the course was not very helpful as I thought. Everything was explained in a confusing manner and everyone knows how difficult both the concepts are. And that is why I was expecting some more explanation but this wasn’t the case. (Santiago G, ★★☆☆☆).

Final Thoughts:

So enroll today in this highly engaging and informative specialization and stay home, stay safe, and never stop learning. Take this Course Team write blog on Top 5 Programming Languages for Machnine Learning that is worth reading. So Stay safe and Never Stop Learning.


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