Thursday, October 22, 2020

Do you want to learn Pottery? Top Pottery Ideas



There’s nothing more fun than putting your hands on clay. And when you intend to make something from clay, there are a hundreds of things that you can make right? With clay, there are so many projects to do that it becomes hard to focus on which ones to do first. So, for those who have interest in learning pottery and making a lot of things out of it, presents to you Free Pottery Classes in which you find some of the top pottery ideas that can be of help to you.

Top ideas for pottery:

The following ideas must be kept in mind while making pottery.

Start by learning to make the most basic object (bowl):

Making bowls are quite easy and if you become good at making a bowl, then things can go easy for you in no time. And to make a bowl, you can follow the below easy three steps. Then from that point onwards, all the objects can easily branch off in their own direction. So these are the three steps.

·         First center the clay using your hands.

·         Then, open a small hole in the clay.

·         And finally, pull up the walls.

·         Keep repeating these steps until you become an expert.

Other tips for making more objects:

Similarly, if you want to learn to make other objects with ease, then below are some ideas or tips that you can follow.

Use more clay:

Never become a miser in using clay while making a bigger object. To be more clear, if you’re using 1 pound of clay and trying to make a 12 inch tall vase, then you’ll never be able to pull of this project. The best way to make any object is to use as much clay as you can. This will eventually give you an idea about how much clay you’ll be needing for the next time plus the texture of the object would be much smoother.

Use stiffer clay:

If you use stiffer clay then it becomes very easy to throw it on the pot. But if you use a soft clay then it will flop over and collapse. So, the stiffer the clay, the easier it will be to put it on the wheel.

Use less water:

Water is a very essential element while using clay, we admit as it is required when throwing pottery on the wheel to reduce friction. With that, it is also used to stop the clay from getting stuck into your hands. But excess of everything is bad right? So, never use a lot of water as when you absorb water, it gets absorbed by the clay and makes your clay softer and it will more likely to collapse.

Keep your hands steady for even walls:

To make even walls, it is very important to have steady hands. Many people are unable to keep their hands steady and this results in uneven walls. So, what you should do is brace your elbows against your hips or ribs and don’t focus too much on the clay. Instead think about keeping your hands steady.


As you can see, these tips are quite easy and common at the same time and yet many people never pay attention to these small details. This results in having problems while getting your hands dirty with clay. Therefore, what you need to do is follow these top ideas one by one and then see how easy it can get for you to play with clay. So, read this topic now and get in the race of learning pottery.Read the article realated to How much does it cost to start a pottery and never stop learning.


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