Friday, July 3, 2020

Social Psychology free online courses with certificates

The majority of people have always been curious as to why people do what they do? Why is someone the way they are? What makes someone sweet or bitter or behave the way they do? Similarly, how do conflicts and prejudices develop? This and many other thoughts come to our mind and this is what social psychology is about. So to understand all about social psychology, you need to take this course. This course contains a brief introduction to both classic and contemporary social psychology and it covers multiple topics. These topics are decision-making, persuasion, personal attraction, group behavior, and factors that promote health and well-being.

What will you be learning from this free online course:

With the help of this free online course, you will be learning the following.
  • You will understand what social perception and misperceptions are.
  • Then you will learn about how people explain their behavior and the behavior of others.
  • Similarly, you will be exploring the link between attitudes and behavior.
  • Moreover, you are going to understand the psychological dynamics of obedience to authority and what conformity and deindividuation are.
  • Furthermore, you will also be taught all about group behavior which includes all types of good, bad, and ugly behavior.
  • After that, you will get to know the factors that influence whether people will help another or not.
Thus, this and many other topics related to social psychology will be learned in the course.

Social proof:

With the help of this section, you are going to take a look at the comments that real users have given regarding this course. After taking a look at both positive and negative comments, it can become quite easy for you to decide whether taking this course is worth your time or not.

Positive feedback:

  • This was the best MOOC I have ever taken. Everything explained in the course was too helpful and based on real scenarios. Before this course, I have taken many other online courses but they were rather too superficial instead of being actually helpful. (Ian R, 5 stars).
  • I have found this course to be very helpful, interactive, and is actually worth spending time on. I took this course because I have quite an interest in this field and it was an engaging one throughout the course. Professor Plous has indeed done a great job by designing this wonderful course for students like us. (Rayika C, 5 stars).
  • In my professional career, I have taken hundreds of online courses and very few were able to influence me and this course is one of them. I have enjoyed learning from this course from start to end. The thing that I find the most fascinating in the course is that life is only bearable and beautiful if we respect different perspectives. Thus the overall course was really informational and helpful. (Gonul KK, 5 stars).
  • I was waiting to complete the whole course before rating it because I wanted to rate it honestly. Now that I have completed the course, I can give it 5 stars with great joy as it indeed is a 5 stars course. And I think the learning material available in the course is worth more than 70,000 Indian rupees. (Tanmay S p, 5 stars)
  • All the lecture videos in the course are very well done and it looks like the instructor has put in a lot of effort. Everything has been explained thoroughly and I bet whoever takes this course will be able to learn a lot from it. And that is why I am recommending this course to all those learners who have an interest in this field but are too reluctant to take an in-person class on it. (Flavio C, 4 stars).

Negative comments:

Unfortunately, the course was not what I expected it to be. It was too lengthy and the instructor pressurizes you a lot to join the psychology network for free which was a little weird. (Fahed M A, 2 stars).


Now that you know what this free online course with certificate is and what it has to offer, you can easily decide whether or not taking this course is helpful for you. So decide now and don’t forget to stay home, stay safe, and never stop learning.

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